Did you know, when you hire us you’re helping our family to adopt?
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Not hosting an event, but interested in making a donation towards our adoption?

Family Photo Courtesy of Meegan Dobson

Family Photo Courtesy of Meegan Dobson


We did it! We made it through 2020! This last fall we prayed, thought hard and decided to pull the trigger on stepping into Flourish full time!

You may be thinking - leave your stable job to plan events in the midst of a global pandemic?!

We know it sounds crazy, but we believe we are exactly where we’re supposed to be. We’re excited to work with you and expectant that some of the best parties and celebrations have yet to happen. Now, let’s get planning!


We are nearing the end of a marathon summer of weddings and all we can think is “Wow!” We believed God when He told us that this year would be one filled with flourishing, but when Covid hit we just weren’t sure how that promise would be fulfilled. We are excited to announce that despite the craziest year for hosting and planning events, we’ve had our best year yet. We don’t say this to brag - we simply see God showing up and we’re so grateful to get to do what we love. It sounds cliche, but it has been such a privilege to be part of so many incredible days. Thank you so much for including us in your love story!

As far as adoption goes, we’re still saving! No need to worry though, this is part of the plan. Caleb starts his last year of nursing school next week and we are eager to get him through the program before we begin expanding our family.

Our goal is to have $20,000 in our adoption fund before we begin the paperwork process. The truth is, we aren’t in a rush, however we know that when the time comes to adopt, we need to have our savings ready to go.

Your support, kindness and well wishes mean the world to us. Thanks for being on this journey with us!


Where things stand right now: I (think) we’ve officially landed on international adoption! We are beginning to research which agency to work with and what countries we are most inclined to adopt from. (If you have experience or an agency that you recommend working with please share!)

On our 2nd date I brought up adoption … and while I don’t necessarily recommend talking about having kids with someone this early in a relationship for everyone, Caleb took it like a champ! In all seriousness, I’ve always known I wanted to adopt my kids and I guess you could say that it sealed the deal early on when Caleb quietly responded to my passionate ramble with “me too.”
Since those early dating days, we’ve worked through difficult health problems, surgery and lifelong health issues. We believe God planted the desire for us to adopt because He knew what was coming. While others (rightfully so) mourn the loss of being unable to birth children, we choose to lean into this calling that we believe is from God.


Yeah we know… we could start a GoFundMe or sell T-shirts to help raise the funds for our adoption(s), but there’s something so special about passionately and creatively pouring into people. We believe this business is an opportunity to invest in others and what a cool story to be able to tell our kids someday - your love and this community are bringing them home.


Shortly after getting married I decided to pursue my love for planning events… things changed unexpectedly when I received a surprising diagnosis that would require surgery, hormone treatments and years of doctors visits that unfortunately aren’t over yet. During these newlywed days, Caleb and I dreamt-up how we wanted our future to look; the discussions we’d had about adoption during our dating days were now our only option to have a family of our own. Out of this health struggle, Flourish was born. Founded on the passion we have for bringing people together to celebrate and with the goal to fundraise 40k for our family to adopt. We share this piece of our story with you because we all have a “why” we do what we do, this is ours.

A Dream - 2004

It’s a white wall. Completely covered in frames. Peeking out are the faces of our family - the ones we haven’t met yet. The children who don’t look like me or him, but who we know are ours.